Category: Anal Sex

Message: My First Anal Only Woman

Tim: I am a 30 something man and I have met a woman in her 70s, we have been enjoying each others company a lot and I asked her if she would like to make love. She said yes and was very forward about how she prefers to primarily have anal sex, she is the first woman I’ve ever encountered like this.

All the advice I have read online about anal sex is targeted towards much younger women, what considerations are there for having anal sex with a woman her age?

Congratulations on meeting an anal only woman who is very clear and up front about her preference and intention. Generally the same advice will apply, but since she knows what she likes and wants and prefers, I would also encourage checking with her about what she needs from you to ensure her enjoyment and safety. If she actively engages in anal sex, she probably has a good ability to relax her anus for you.

Message: I’m Proud to be an Anal Only Vaginal Virgin

Jasmine: As a young Muslim woman from Pakistan, I grew up with the strict expectation of remaining a virgin until entering into an arranged marriage. The values instilled in me by my family and community placed a significant emphasis on maintaining my virginity as a symbol of purity and honor. However, my life took an unexpected turn when I emigrated to a western country on a student visa to study medicine. It was in this new environment, surrounded by different cultures and perspectives, that I met my roommate’s brother, who is non-Muslim. Our connection was immediate and deep, challenging many of the traditions and expectations I had grown up with. Within a few months of knowing each other we’d fallen in love.

Our first sexual experience was a significant and transformative moment for me. After much thought and consideration, I requested that we engage in anal sex to preserve my vaginal virginity, which is of supreme importance to me due to my cultural and religious beliefs. Despite my nervousness, I was also filled with excitement and curiosity. He was incredibly understanding and patient, taking exceptional care to ensure my comfort and pleasure throughout the experience. He approached our intimacy with tenderness and respect, making me feel safe and cherished. This careful and loving approach allowed me to fully embrace our relationship, marking the beginning of a profound and intimate connection.

For the past four years, he and I have maintained a secret but highly pleasurable anal-only relationship. This unique aspect of our intimacy has allowed us to explore and express our love in ways that honor my commitment to preserving my virginity. Together, we chose several intimate chastity piercings as a symbol of our commitment and a way to ensure my virginity remained intact. These piercings represent not only our love but also our shared understanding and respect for my cultural and personal boundaries. Over time, we have ventured into various other sexual activities, such as ass to mouth, golden showers, and the regular daily wearing of a butt plug. Each of these experiences has been deeply fulfilling, enhancing our bond and strengthening our intimacy in ways I had never imagined possible.

Throughout our relationship, I have come to realize that I never want to have vaginal sex, a sentiment that he shares. Our mutual respect for each other’s desires and boundaries has created a deeply fulfilling and loving partnership. His unwavering support and understanding have made me feel valued and respected, reinforcing my decision to preserve my virginity while still experiencing profound intimacy. As I near the completion of my studies, my hope is to stay here and marry him, embracing our unique love story and the deep connection we share. Our relationship has not only defied cultural norms but has also strengthened my sense of self and my ability to navigate the complexities of love and tradition.

I will always be proud to be an Anal Only vaginal virgin.

So wonderful to hear that you were able to find a partner who supported your desire to preserve your vaginal virginity and focus on anal only, and has celebrates your commitment with piercings and more! It sounds like you have a wonderful relationship and sex life and I wholeheartedly support your decision to never have vaginal sex and stay an anal only vaginal virgin for life!

How do you handle clitoral stimulation along with your anal only life? Is it something you include or do you keep it off limits as well?

Do you see yourself adopting any additional activities beyond ass to mouth, piss play and butt plugging as you continue to progress in your anal only lifestyle?

Message: Friend’s Daughter Asked About AO and Artificial Insemination

Linda: I’ve been Anal Only for seven years now and Double Anal Only for just over one year, with occasional triple anal.

I’ve been an advocate for the AO lifestyle and successfully encouraged many other women and girls to become Anal Only and beyond.

One of my close friends, who is on her own AO journey, has a daughter who has asked me a lot about anal sex and being Anal Only as a woman. She’s still a virgin in every sense and is aware of the special status of vaginal virgins in our lifestyle and community.

One of the questions she has asked me, that I didn’t have an answer for, is it possible to perform artificial insemination on a vaginal virgin so they can get pregnant without vaginal penetration?

Good to hear from you again! It’s great that you’re still double anal only and advocating anal only (and hopefully double anal only!) to others, as well as helping to preserve vaginal virginity as much as possible!

It certainly is possible to achieve pregnancy without vaginal penetration, and there are a few options, ranging from full on IVF, pulling out and holding the penis at the entrance of the vagina to ejaculate inside, ejaculating into the rectum and holding the vagina open while pushing out the ejaculate, using something like a turkey baster to transfer ejaculate from the rectum to the vagina, etc. More information can be found on our Guide to Anal Only Pregnancy.

Hope to hear more from you soon!

Message: Ignored Clit, Filled Ass is the Best — How To Continue?

Anal Slut: I’ve been reading your blog for many years, often while rubbing my clit. I’m in my late 20’s now but since I was younger I always loved anal and originally only had anal sex in lieu of vaginal for birth control reasons (long before I knew there was a community here).

It is now many years later and my girlfriend and I are experimenting with more and more anal (for both of us), previously we have always used clit stimulation and she loves making sure I orgasm which I obviously appreciate. However I have recently gotten obsessed again with anal and have started excluding all clitoral stimulation along with all vaginal other than cleaning.

I love the feeling of being so horny and I feel it is helping me feel arousal in my ass more than my pussy. I’m horny all the time compared to previously also. I love being a needy anal slut and I feel like my ass was made to be filled. I have fantasies of buttplug training until I have my ass filled 20+ hours a day. It is addictive and I cannot get enough.

I guess I just wanted to endorse clit denial for anyone who knows they really like anal but goes through phases, I think clit orgasms were killing my arousal like for literal weeks so I was never getting to the really good part of anal where your ass is trained and ready to go.

However I didn’t plan to do this long term, literally I thought I’d hate ignoring my clit and want to stop so I decided to see how long I could go after reading something in the archives here, but I expected it to be a few days max.

I’m worried what my girlfriend will think about my decision to continue this, even though I know I will have proper anal orgasms again – I have before many times- but always mixed somewhat with clit, either to be foreplay for anal penetration, edging me a bit so I can cum with something in my ass or getting my pussy eaten while getting my ass fingered.

Open to suggestions on sticking with clit denial long term, I love it but I have also woken up during the night rubbing my clit and I want to stop doing that.

Also open to suggestions on depraved anal toys, I’m very interested in larger girth toys as I am in lesbian relationship, I’m not worried about not being tight or anything. I have finally decided to upgrade from the jeweled butt plugs and have ordered silicone oval base ones and I’m hoping to start plugging overnight again.

Lastly just wanna say, I love this blog, please keep posting here!

Glad to hear that you’re embracing not only anal only but clit denial as well, and I highly encourage sticking with it for the same reasons that you’re discovering! Clit stimulation can be useful for transitioning to anal only, or for those who wouldn’t stay anal only otherwise, but for everyone else I completely encourage avoiding it entirely and focusing on anal pleasure.

I doubt your girlfriend will be bothered and will likely find it very enjoyable as well if clit denial is what you prefer and enjoy and just want anal orgasms from now on. As she gets on board with it, that will also help you to stick with it, especially if you ask her to help you stay focused on clit denial.

Numbing gels, tape, and other mild forms of chastity can help with avoiding it as you further adjust to long term clit denial! For more information and suggestions on sticking with clit denial, check out the page on our Guide about Clit Denial.

Message: Anal Only Dating

Claire: Hello, I have a question for you, but first I have to explain my background.

I met my first boyfriend nearly five years ago in college. I had a crush on him, he felt it, and dated me for a very long time. At first, I thought it was sweet of him to take so long before making a sexual move, but then I became worried that he wouldn’t be that much into me. I told him about it, then he looked very serious, and announced he had something important to tell me.

I imagined all sorts of stuff, and then he said he really loved me and wanted to start a relationship with me, but he only enjoyed anal sex, and not only that, but he didn’t want his partner to have any sort of genital stimulation of any kind at all, ever. He knew I was a virgin (I’m younger than him), and he promised that if I was OK with this, he would use his experience to be very caring and careful that I enjoyed it too.

I was very surprised, but mostly felt relief because I expected horrible things that would cancel our relationship. I thought I could try anal sex, and if it didn’t go well, we could always break up. Besides, I didn’t know anything about contraception, so it was something less to care about.

It went very well: he first taught me how to do blowjobs and how to clean up my ass, and he stimulated me more and more slowly so that I was comfortable when he finally took me. It didn’t hurt at all and I enjoyed it right away. It lasted about two years, then he asked if I wanted to move to his apartment, I did, and we stayed together two more years and a half.

When I moved in, our sex frequency heightened up dramatically and I had trouble following that, I told him about it and expected him to slow down, but instead he gifted me a butt plug, asking me to try to wear it as often as possible: it was supposed to make it easier for me to take his cock more frequently and to increase my pleasure. I was doubtful about it but did it anyway, and he was right, things went really well.

The next logical step was to get engaged and I know it was his intention, then his job required him to move to another city, but I still had to stay for my studies. He tried to get me to move with him, but I thought it was an opportunity to gather my own experience: he was the only man I ever knew, and I wanted to build my own journey for a while before getting married. He was sad about it but understood my point of view, and we’re still planning to get back together later.

So, now, my question is: how do you people meet? I didn’t realize it right away because it had become so natural to me, but most people don’t do exclusive anal sex, and I have no intention of changing this aspect of my sexuality.

Thanks for the question and for sharing your story! It sounds like you had a great introduction to anal only and I don’t blame you for not wanting to stop being anal only.

As for meeting people, it’s rare to find a central place that works reliably for finding a partner based on sexual preferences. Date like you normally would but it feels natural for sex to come up as a topic, be up front from the start, and accept that maybe not everyone will be into it but there will be many more guys who love the idea.

For more information, check out the section in our guide on Anal Only Dating!

Message: Continue or Not Continue?

Mary: Hi there. Thank you so much for allowing me to ask this question. My name is Mary, I’m 23 and happily married as of two years ago (some would say I’m married too young lol).

When my now husband and I were 18, we were lustful and Catholic. So we had anal as a “technicality”. It kinda hurt the first time but eventually it got very pleasurable and we had it all the time. I lost my vaginal virginity on my wedding night and it was good as well. But it wasn’t what my brain was used to if that makes sense.

Anyhow, to make a long story short, we did find out Catholicism prohibits anal even in marriage. Which we didn’t know at the time. We also know some priests think it’s okay but not enough to make it mainstream. If we take our faith seriously, should we continue to have anal or no? Should we give it up entirely?

[Side question, is it normal that I feel incredibly tingly in my feet and toes when o have anal but not vaginal? According to my husband I have to wiggle them so much when we finish.]

Hi Mary, thanks for reaching out! I’m glad to hear that you started out anal only and still love it far more than vaginal. While I am not religious and you’ll ultimately have to decide for yourselves what is right for you, I would strongly encourage you to not only continue enjoying anal sex but to go anal only.

If anal sex was wrong, why would your bodies be designed to so perfectly enjoy it even more than vaginal sex? Surely a creator would want you to enjoy your bodies the way you most enjoy them, and a smart creator would make one hole for getting pregnant and another just for sharing pleasure with your partner. Anal provides that beautiful pleasurable intimacy without risk of pregnancy, and the anal only lifestyle is the perfect natural birth control.

And yes, it is normal to feel so much more pleasure from anal than vaginal. Most women get far more pleasure from anal, and that’s just one more reason I believe the anal only lifestyle is the right thing for everyone.

Message: Anal Only Diary

Chris: Not many people share their intimate experiences and I thought doing so might be a good way to inspire others.

It’s Sunday morning and my girlfriend and I are just chilling in bed. We have nowhere to go and all the time in the world. I start to get turned on feeling her body, especially running my hands over her hips and ass. I even rub her pussy a little and cup it with my hand, but I won’t be going there. Every day with her I think how lucky I am not to have to have vaginal sex ever again.

My girlfriend spits in her hand and starts rubbing my cock. When she’s got me wet, I get her to roll on her side away from me and I do the same with her anus. It takes less than a minute to get her slippery inside using my finger.

Spooning behind her I love looking at her back and shoulders as I guide myself into her anus. She’s relaxed and used to the penetration but the little resistance I always still get from the muscle feels great. It’s one of the best parts and we both moan every time. I ease all the way in and push up close behind her.

After waiting a few seconds to make sure we’re both comfortable I begin to pump. It’s always hard to tell how much time passes because my mind can’t concentrate on much other than how good it feels. The heat, the tightness and always her anus gripping me. I remember kissing her back and neck as I caress her waist, hips and breasts. A few times we pause to add more saliva before we continue.

My girlfriend has always been quiet during sex, except when I try and thrust extra deep or toward the end when I speed up. After a while, she starts to push back a bit with her ass. I know from what she has told me that the good feeling for her grows and slowly builds. When I hear her breathing a bit faster and deeper then I know she is happy and also knowing that we are connected in the most intimate way possible, plus the feelings of being inside her ass, push me to the edge.

My girlfriend says I can be loud when I cum, but I’m not aware of it. Every time I shoot inside her ass it feels like her whole anus and rectum squeeze my cock, almost trying to suck me inside. It was never like this before – her pussy always felt dead to me.

We lie recovering for a minute, she holds my hand and we try to kiss but it’s awkward with her facing the other way. I pull out slowly and the head of my cock catches on her anus on the way out. The feeling is as awesome as going in. The hole closes, keeping all my cum inside. Even that is better than the pussy, which couldn’t even do that properly.

My girlfriend turns and we kiss and hug for a bit. She behaves differently from how she used to be after vaginal. She’s more happy and affectionate. She’s told me before how the good feelings that built up in her ass during sex stay with her for some time after.

I wish everyone could experience this.

Message: The Beauty of Anal Sex

Chris: I’ve been thinking about something my girlfriend said once when we’d watched some anal porn. She said, “Why does anal always look so beautiful?”. I hadn’t thought about it like that, but I had to agree with her. I think she meant it in a purely physical way but there is also an internal or emotional beauty to it as well I think. The physical, because a man’s penis and a woman’s anus fit perfectly together and there is far less getting in the way. It is simpler and much more pleasing to look at. Then there is how the head pops inside and the anus closes behind it on insertion, locking it inside. It’s the same in reverse when the man is finished, having to pop back out again. The is nothing comparable with the vagina.

Seeing a couple engaged in anal sex is appealing because you know that they are having the most deep and meaningful connection possible between a man and a woman. He understands that she is wanting to stimulate him with her anus and rectum not because she wants to get pregnant but because she wants to give him the most pleasure. Likewise, she understands that he wants to cum inside her there not because of biology but because he wants something special for them both. I think, being a man, NOT having to use her vagina has a meaning all of its own. There is also a sense of relief and inner peace that transcends the orgasm itself which I know both my girlfriend and I feel, probably in our different ways. It FEELS like the right way to have sex.

Thanks for sharing, I absolutely agree — anal is objectively more beautiful than vaginal on multiple levels.

Message: My Story

Chris: I’ve recently returned to this blog after a long absence. I honestly forgot about it for a few years, I guess because once you start living an anal-only life you just get on with living and don’t think much about how you got there. I know that’s kind of unfair as I have so much to be thankful for because of this blog. I know it doesn’t make any sense, but I never would have thought of the concept of anal-only if not for this blog. I always preferred and wanted more anal but never put two and two together and took it to the next logical step. I realized that I didn’t have to be having vaginal sex again. If I’m honest I feel stupid for not thinking of it myself. It didn’t even require a huge discussion, just changing assumptions so that my girlfriend was like “Oh…you want to put it in my ass again this time? Okay…”. She never even questioned why we started having vaginal sex so rarely. It simply became routine to have anal. I think of vaginal as being like a bad habit that we kicked together.

So here I am a couple of years later with the sex life I always wanted. It is so much less complicated and stress-free compared to what we had before. Most nights now we have sex and there is something wonderful about cumming in the tight grip of her anus that never gets old. It was a sense of completeness or fulfillment that was always lacking from vaginal sex. It’s not just me saying that as my girlfriend feels the same.

All of this is a long-winded way of me saying how much this place means to me, but how saddened I am by the drop off in content. It seems the community around this is dying. And not because of lack of interest. I think it’s because places like this are so hard to find these days. If you search for “anal only” or similar terms then all you get is porn. Do you get the feeling that educational and information content is being suppressed or that entertainment is boosted in the algorithm? Does more interaction from the community boost the rankings? If so I’ll continue to try and comment on posts.

Glad to hear of your anal only success, and it’s understandable and desirable for it to be routine in a sense and move on to living a better life with pure anal. But as you said, continuing to stay engaged in the community can help with keeping things more active and inspiring others to make the same change!

I think some of the decline in community is due to that, but the loss of community-centric platforms like Tumblr affected engagement significantly. We went from tens of thousands of active followers there to much less across various platforms. The addition of the “Anal Only” porn production name diluted search results, as you noted, making it much harder to find actual discussion on anal only topics.

A combination of less people submitting content to this blog and my own reduction in availability to spend active in the community myself hasn’t helped. But the more people continue to share their experiences, ask questions, post comments, and stay engaged on here, the better for the blog community! Any other ideas are encouraged as well.

Message: The New Normal

Chris: My girlfriend and I have been anal only a couple of years now thanks to the blog. It was the best thing ever stumbling on this. At first it took a lot of persuading before she agreed to try and several times she almost backed out. But the more anal we did the less of an issue she made about it until eventually, she came to accept it as the new normal. We both love it so much more now and she even laughs at how she used to find excuses not to do anal.

I’m saying this because I do believe most couples would come to the same conclusion if they don’t give up. I think it’s mostly something in a woman’s mind saying she can’t do it. When you are actually doing anal only you eventually see all the objections are just artificial barriers.

It’s good for the relationship as a whole as even she now agrees it feels nicer and I’m happier because I get the sex I prefer.

Most of the reasons people give to not go anal only are an internal mental block or cultural myths not rooted in reality. That’s why my suggestion is always for people to just go and try it for themselves for 1 or more months, without a longer term commitment up front, and see how they actually find the experience from there. The majority of women become much more amenable to staying anal only once they have 1 – 3 months experience of not using their pussy and focusing on anal exclusively, and see the benefits of doing so for themselves and that they don’t actually miss their pussy as much as they thought they would, or that they enjoy the increased arousal of doing so.