Category: Vaginal Virginity

Anal sex has long been used as an alternative to preserve one’s vaginal virginity, but as that becomes culturally less important for people, vaginal virginity is becoming a matter of choice and preference instead, with women learning they prefer anal early on and deciding to go with anal as their default from the beginning and never bother with vaginal.

Message: Do I Count as Anal Only?

Monique: Recently I’ve been exploring my sexuality and I’ve discovered that I’m highly interested in anal stimulation. I know this might sound surprising, considering I’ve never had any kind of sexual intercourse, vaginal or anal, and I’ve only engaged in self-pleasure through anal stimulation with my fingers and toys never with another person.

My curiosity about anal arose when some of my female friends discussed having anal sex with their boyfriends as a way to remain virgins and avoid unwanted pregnancies. I was secretly fascinated by the idea, but more importantly, I discovered that when I explored myself, I genuinely enjoyed and preferred anal stimulation to vaginal. It’s a sensation that feels uniquely satisfying to me and since then I’ve abandoned any vaginal play.

I’m writing to ask if I might be part of the “Anal Only” community, even though I’ve never had any anal intercourse with another person. I hope you can help me make sense of my own desires and preferences. Am I part of this community, or is there a more appropriate term or category that fits my situation?

You absolutely are anal only! You haven’t had sex, but you choose to focus all your sexual stimulation/masturbation on anal only and that certainly counts. Consider yourself a proud member of the community and lifestyle.

I hope that when/if you choose to have sex with a partner in the future, you continue your anal only commitment.

Message: Considering Going Anal Only After My Daughter Told Me About the Lifestyle

AnalOnlyMom: When my daughter first shared her decision to engage the Anal Only lifestyle while choosing to remain a vaginal virgin, my initial reaction was a mix of concern and curiosity. As a mother, my instinct is always to protect and guide, but I’ve learned that supporting her means respecting her autonomy and choices, even if they are different from what I might have expected or chosen for myself. She’s an adult now, and I admire her confidence in making a choice that aligns with her personal values and desires.

As I listened to her explain her decision, I couldn’t help but reflect on my own experiences and choices. I realized that her decision had sparked a curiosity in me—one I hadn’t anticipated. I found myself wondering about the motivations behind her choice and the experiences she might be having. It wasn’t just about the specifics of her sexual activities but also about the underlying reasons and feelings she had.

Her choice led me to think about my own perceptions and experiences with sexuality. I started to explore the idea of what it would mean for me to consider something similar. Not that I’m planning to make any drastic changes in my life, but her choice made me more introspective about my own desires and boundaries. It’s fascinating how learning about someone else’s journey can prompt a deeper exploration of our own.

Supporting my daughter has also opened up a space for us to have more honest and open conversations about sex and intimacy. We talk about her experiences and the reasons behind her choices, and through these conversations, I’ve come to appreciate her decision even more. It’s helped me realize that being open to new ideas and perspectives, even those that challenge my own, can lead to a greater understanding of both my daughter and myself.

Thanks for sharing! I think it’s great that you were able to reflect and get inspired to consider anal only in your own life based on her decision and explanation. You say you aren’t planning to make drastic changes but also that you’re considering AO for yourself. I highly encourage embracing anal only and making the transition as soon as you can—at least to try it at first, before committing long term if you enjoy it! Is there anything holding you back?

Message: I’m Proud to be an Anal Only Vaginal Virgin

Jasmine: As a young Muslim woman from Pakistan, I grew up with the strict expectation of remaining a virgin until entering into an arranged marriage. The values instilled in me by my family and community placed a significant emphasis on maintaining my virginity as a symbol of purity and honor. However, my life took an unexpected turn when I emigrated to a western country on a student visa to study medicine. It was in this new environment, surrounded by different cultures and perspectives, that I met my roommate’s brother, who is non-Muslim. Our connection was immediate and deep, challenging many of the traditions and expectations I had grown up with. Within a few months of knowing each other we’d fallen in love.

Our first sexual experience was a significant and transformative moment for me. After much thought and consideration, I requested that we engage in anal sex to preserve my vaginal virginity, which is of supreme importance to me due to my cultural and religious beliefs. Despite my nervousness, I was also filled with excitement and curiosity. He was incredibly understanding and patient, taking exceptional care to ensure my comfort and pleasure throughout the experience. He approached our intimacy with tenderness and respect, making me feel safe and cherished. This careful and loving approach allowed me to fully embrace our relationship, marking the beginning of a profound and intimate connection.

For the past four years, he and I have maintained a secret but highly pleasurable anal-only relationship. This unique aspect of our intimacy has allowed us to explore and express our love in ways that honor my commitment to preserving my virginity. Together, we chose several intimate chastity piercings as a symbol of our commitment and a way to ensure my virginity remained intact. These piercings represent not only our love but also our shared understanding and respect for my cultural and personal boundaries. Over time, we have ventured into various other sexual activities, such as ass to mouth, golden showers, and the regular daily wearing of a butt plug. Each of these experiences has been deeply fulfilling, enhancing our bond and strengthening our intimacy in ways I had never imagined possible.

Throughout our relationship, I have come to realize that I never want to have vaginal sex, a sentiment that he shares. Our mutual respect for each other’s desires and boundaries has created a deeply fulfilling and loving partnership. His unwavering support and understanding have made me feel valued and respected, reinforcing my decision to preserve my virginity while still experiencing profound intimacy. As I near the completion of my studies, my hope is to stay here and marry him, embracing our unique love story and the deep connection we share. Our relationship has not only defied cultural norms but has also strengthened my sense of self and my ability to navigate the complexities of love and tradition.

I will always be proud to be an Anal Only vaginal virgin.

So wonderful to hear that you were able to find a partner who supported your desire to preserve your vaginal virginity and focus on anal only, and has celebrates your commitment with piercings and more! It sounds like you have a wonderful relationship and sex life and I wholeheartedly support your decision to never have vaginal sex and stay an anal only vaginal virgin for life!

How do you handle clitoral stimulation along with your anal only life? Is it something you include or do you keep it off limits as well?

Do you see yourself adopting any additional activities beyond ass to mouth, piss play and butt plugging as you continue to progress in your anal only lifestyle?

Message: Friend’s Daughter Asked About AO and Artificial Insemination

Linda: I’ve been Anal Only for seven years now and Double Anal Only for just over one year, with occasional triple anal.

I’ve been an advocate for the AO lifestyle and successfully encouraged many other women and girls to become Anal Only and beyond.

One of my close friends, who is on her own AO journey, has a daughter who has asked me a lot about anal sex and being Anal Only as a woman. She’s still a virgin in every sense and is aware of the special status of vaginal virgins in our lifestyle and community.

One of the questions she has asked me, that I didn’t have an answer for, is it possible to perform artificial insemination on a vaginal virgin so they can get pregnant without vaginal penetration?

Good to hear from you again! It’s great that you’re still double anal only and advocating anal only (and hopefully double anal only!) to others, as well as helping to preserve vaginal virginity as much as possible!

It certainly is possible to achieve pregnancy without vaginal penetration, and there are a few options, ranging from full on IVF, pulling out and holding the penis at the entrance of the vagina to ejaculate inside, ejaculating into the rectum and holding the vagina open while pushing out the ejaculate, using something like a turkey baster to transfer ejaculate from the rectum to the vagina, etc. More information can be found on our Guide to Anal Only Pregnancy.

Hope to hear more from you soon!

Message: Anal Only Dating

Claire: Hello, I have a question for you, but first I have to explain my background.

I met my first boyfriend nearly five years ago in college. I had a crush on him, he felt it, and dated me for a very long time. At first, I thought it was sweet of him to take so long before making a sexual move, but then I became worried that he wouldn’t be that much into me. I told him about it, then he looked very serious, and announced he had something important to tell me.

I imagined all sorts of stuff, and then he said he really loved me and wanted to start a relationship with me, but he only enjoyed anal sex, and not only that, but he didn’t want his partner to have any sort of genital stimulation of any kind at all, ever. He knew I was a virgin (I’m younger than him), and he promised that if I was OK with this, he would use his experience to be very caring and careful that I enjoyed it too.

I was very surprised, but mostly felt relief because I expected horrible things that would cancel our relationship. I thought I could try anal sex, and if it didn’t go well, we could always break up. Besides, I didn’t know anything about contraception, so it was something less to care about.

It went very well: he first taught me how to do blowjobs and how to clean up my ass, and he stimulated me more and more slowly so that I was comfortable when he finally took me. It didn’t hurt at all and I enjoyed it right away. It lasted about two years, then he asked if I wanted to move to his apartment, I did, and we stayed together two more years and a half.

When I moved in, our sex frequency heightened up dramatically and I had trouble following that, I told him about it and expected him to slow down, but instead he gifted me a butt plug, asking me to try to wear it as often as possible: it was supposed to make it easier for me to take his cock more frequently and to increase my pleasure. I was doubtful about it but did it anyway, and he was right, things went really well.

The next logical step was to get engaged and I know it was his intention, then his job required him to move to another city, but I still had to stay for my studies. He tried to get me to move with him, but I thought it was an opportunity to gather my own experience: he was the only man I ever knew, and I wanted to build my own journey for a while before getting married. He was sad about it but understood my point of view, and we’re still planning to get back together later.

So, now, my question is: how do you people meet? I didn’t realize it right away because it had become so natural to me, but most people don’t do exclusive anal sex, and I have no intention of changing this aspect of my sexuality.

Thanks for the question and for sharing your story! It sounds like you had a great introduction to anal only and I don’t blame you for not wanting to stop being anal only.

As for meeting people, it’s rare to find a central place that works reliably for finding a partner based on sexual preferences. Date like you normally would but it feels natural for sex to come up as a topic, be up front from the start, and accept that maybe not everyone will be into it but there will be many more guys who love the idea.

For more information, check out the section in our guide on Anal Only Dating!

Why Vaginal Virginity and Anal Only Work So Well Together

There’s a revolution happening in bedrooms around the world—a shift from traditional sexual norms that’s empowering women in a completely unique way. It’s the fusion of two concepts: the anal only lifestyle and a commitment to lifelong vaginal virginity. This unconventional pairing offers a fresh perspective on female sexuality, allowing women to explore their bodies while preserving a significant part of their physical identity. This combination is not only appealing but potentially game-changing.

The anal only lifestyle is about more than just physical pleasure. It’s about redefining sexual norms and taking control of your body. It’s about taking the path less trodden, and for women, it’s about going straight to anal from the first time they explore their bodies, embracing a lifestyle that is uniquely pleasurable and deeply personal.

Now, why would a woman choose this path? The first reason is empowerment. Choosing to engage solely in anal sex and preserve vaginal virginity is an expression of control over one’s body. It is a deliberate decision to break free from traditional expectations of sexuality and rewrite one’s sexual narrative. In a world where women’s bodies are often the subject of societal scrutiny and control, this choice represents a reclaiming of power.

This choice also disrupts the conventional focus on vaginal penetration as the primary source of pleasure for women. Anal sex can offer unique, intense pleasure—an entirely different sensation that many women find far more satisfying. It’s not a ‘second-best’ option, but a legitimate and fulfilling primary means of sexual enjoyment.

Moreover, preserving vaginal virginity while engaging in the anal only lifestyle is a potent symbol of autonomy. It’s a personal declaration of the value placed on virginity, which has often been defined and controlled by societal expectations. This lifestyle choice is a woman asserting that she can be sexually active and maintain her vaginal virginity, a decision that is hers to make and hers alone.

When it comes to the practicalities of sexual enjoyment and satisfaction, the anal only lifestyle delivers. Multiple orgasms are a reality for many women, and the feeling of fullness experienced through anal penetration is different but equally gratifying when compared to vaginal sex. The anal only lifestyle celebrates this unique pleasure and encourages women to explore and indulge in it.

Finally, there’s the distinct sense of shared adventure that comes with embracing the anal only lifestyle. The world of anal pleasure requires patience, trust, and open communication between partners, which can lead to a deeper level of intimacy.

So if you’re a vaginal virgin, don’t waste the gift that you have. Take the chance you are given and commit to staying a vaginal virgin and going pure anal only.

We hope you found this post insightful and inspiring. Your journey and experiences are unique, and we’d love to hear about them. Are you living the anal only lifestyle? Are you curious to explore it? Have you experienced something extraordinary, faced challenges, or discovered personal insights you’d like to share? If so, we invite you to share your story with us.

Message: Ex-Mormon Anal Only

Liz94: I grew up in the LDS church with a strong belief in saving myself for marriage and preserving my virginity. So when I first heard about the anal only lifestyle, I was intrigued by the idea of maintaining my vaginal virginity while still having fulfilling sexual experiences. I never imagined that I would end up fully embracing the lifestyle, but that’s exactly what happened.

When I first started experimenting with anal sex, it was simply a way to preserve my virginity and satisfy my sexual desires. But as I learned more about the lifestyle, I discovered that there was so much more to it. The focus on anal pleasure, the deeper connection with my partner, and the increased intimacy all had a profound impact on me.

I soon realized that this was more than just a temporary solution; it was a way of life. After leaving the Mormon church, I was faced with the question of whether to continue with the anal only lifestyle or not. But after much thought and consideration, I decided to embrace it fully. The benefits of anal sex, both physically and emotionally, far outweighed any societal norms or expectations.

I was finally able to fully embrace my sexuality and enjoy the deep pleasure that comes with anal sex. I’m now a firm believer in the anal only lifestyle and I’ve never looked back. It’s been a journey filled with growth, self-discovery, and amazing sexual experiences. And I’m so grateful for this blog for providing a supportive community and a wealth of information to help me along the way.

Forum: Vaginal Virgin in Traditional Russian Community, Part II

A follow up from Ani, a vaginal virgin who shared her experiences in a traditional Russian community and who initially planned to lose her vaginal virginity upon getting married.

So I am again here! I wanted to post after losing virginity and to compare vaginal and anal sex 

Unfortunately it did not happen… Or maybe fortunately??? 

In the wedding night I was too nervous to lose virginity, I was afraid to cry because my parents were sleeping in the next room, so I asked my husband to go anal as usual. Next day we went with my husband for a wedding journey, and there I was again nervous to stain the hotel sheet with my blood, so the hotel workers might see my blood on the sheet. Also I think the main reason to be nervous is that I have been keeping my sweet pussy virgin too long and I have got used to stay virgin. I am not so afraid of pain, my husband is very kind and intelligent and he surely would be gentle unlike those men with whom I started anal sex. I guess it is more a psychological problem, because I have been waiting for this monent several years, but now when the moment has come, I am psychologically afraid of it.
However, I do not need to lose virginity, my husband loves anal sex much more than vaginal, and it is a good way for birth control too, so he does not demand to have vaginal sex at all. Before me he dreamed to meet a girl who at least allows anal sex sometimes, so he is very happy with me doing anal sex every day. Also I like to be “special”

Continue reading on the Anal Only Lifestyle forum

Reddit: Accidental Anal Only Lifestyle

Ok, so here is the thing. My gf (got together around 6 Months ago) is very sexually sensitive. So when we got together she was a virgin. Of course at some point we had a romantic evening and started making each other horny (I had many sexual partners before her so I waited for her to be ready). We tried having sex very carefully but it still hurt her, so we did other things to orgasm. We tried desensitizing her by using fingers and even had vaginal sex once. But she is so sensitive that it is really hard for her to enjoy it and not find it painful. Then she suggested anal. We found out, that she can orgasm from just her ass. So I was on board and now we do the anal only lifestyle for three months. However, I found it weird… so I looked for other people with a similar situation. During my looking around I found the AOL scene. It was not hard to find as I already had an Anal fetish, but for me something is missing without vaginal sex (not to mention, that I really want children one day). So I ask, what do you think about my situation and how did you get into anal only?

Continue reading on /r/analonlylifestyle on Reddit

Bdsmlr: Staying Anal Only Vaginal Virgin After Marriage

I’ve been pretty inactive for a lot of life reasons but I have some awesome updates!

1) we’re married!! Yay!! So happy to finally be a Wife.

2) I’ve graduated! Also yay!! I do have a job for now at an awesome company working a helpful role for a very traditional boss. He has been a wonderful mentor so far.

3) I was originally planning on losing my virginity when my wedding was consummated, but since we both want kids we did some fertility testing before the wedding. It turns out I’m unlikely to conceive from sex, and would need to do artificial insemination anyway. After some talking, my husband had decided I will stay anal only and a Virgin! 😱

4) my husband has decided we will pursue treatments and try to get me pregnant this year! we are doing lots of research on pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, working vs staying home to figure out what the best options are for me and my particular situation. I’m so lucky to have him.

I’m overwhelmed but excited by all the changes. It was a huge relief and turn-on to have my husband completely ignore my pussy on our wedding night; I’ve cum extremely sparingly the last year or so but I’m wet everyday.  I’ve never felt more happy and devoted. ☺️ 

Read full post at May and her flower on Bdsmlr