Message: Best Way to Play and Orgasm From Anal?

Ana: I need some advice about the best way to achieve an anal orgasm. I already deny my pussy and clit. But still get really wet. I have a bullet vibrator and a tail plug.

I use some numbing liquids to avoid all clit stimulation.

I want to know if i can get a routine for anal exercise each day of the week, like while i’m on the gym, cleaning my house or driving

If you haven’t already read it, our Guide to Anal Orgasms might contain some useful tips and steps for you to try. It sounds like you’re on the right track, and just need to stick with it, but there might be something useful for you there!

Getting into a daily routine is an excellent idea. I recommend plugging daily for some period of time, and gradually increasing that amount over time. I also recommend a daily routine of more active anal training as well, with a dildo. Passive training with a plug is great and important, but it’s good to not neglect more active training too, as each do different things.

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