Message: Both of Us Anal Only
I don’t know about other guys but I’m definitely fully into penis denial since I started to try it a few years ago. I went back and forth with it at first but then I started to cum from just anal a lot more easily without it and then I was done with my dick, it’s so much sexier and feels right to be anal only without any part of my penis involved. I definitely encourage giving up both your penis stimulation and it’s so hot seeing cum just ooze out of my penis know I didn’t touch it at all. My gf loves it too she is also anal only and a vaginal virgin and we only use dildos since I don’t use my penis
Btw can you encourage more men to be anal only and maybe start a month just for them like dick denial December and can you give my gf some encouragement and reasons why she should stay anal only cuz she has said she wanted to give me her vaginal virginity
While it’s less common than the more traditional form of anal only where the man’s primary sex organ is his penis and the woman’s primary sex organ is her anus, there certainly are others who enjoy the same dynamic as you, where both partners are receptively anal only. If it works well for you, then that’s great! Anyone can enjoy receiving anal and anyone can come to prefer it, so it makes sense that being anal only is something that can appeal to women and men both in the same sort of way. There’s probably a bit more of a stigma about the idea of a man doing that still, unfortunately, so I suspect less people talk about it than practice or fantasize about it.
As for your girlfriend, you should tell her how much you love her being anal only with you and think it’s really sexy and wonderful that she’s a vaginal virgin. Tell her how you value the two of you staying anal only. A lot of anal only women regularly express how they wish that they had kept their pussy virgin and stayed anal only from the start rather than wasting time on their vagina in the hopes that it would be something worth doing. I understand the drive some people have to try everything and find out what they like best, but the reality is for most people, anal is so much better than anything else and by starting with anal, vaginal will usually end up just being a disappointment and something to regret. Committing to anal only is something that can always change in the future, but she can’t go back to being a vaginal virgin.
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