Thoughts on anal-only
pinkbeatzz: Sweeties,
on request of a visitor, I’ve decided to talk about the beginning of my anal-only life. Before I met my daddy I never really had anything to do with dt-BJs, anal sex etc. So, as you can guess, I was initially “shocked” and “frightened”.
At the beginning I was quite afraid to not fulfill his demands, since I had no experience. Thus also my fear of butt sex was pretty big. And yes, I must admit that – at first – I made it just for my daddy.
I don’t like the feeling of lubes and I often felt a kind of stinning at the beginning during penetration. Looking back, I suppose that was because of my fear of anal sex. So until recently, the butt sex-thingy was rather difficult and complicated for me until the day we only used my saliva – and yes, it has given me very much indeed. Since then I cannot get enough of feeling something in my ass – whether it’s his dick or my / his fingers. That is why I am also looking forward to get my three new plugs in 9 days.
Unfortunately I cannot say anything about how I managed to be able to get anal orgasms. I believe that it was there from the very beginning – as I can’t in any case remember not having had an anal orgasm. And just in case – no, I’m not kidding or faking and I know, that this might be kind of very rare. I’m afraid I can’t give any hints to others on this part – besides: repeatedly try it. Just get away from the thoughts, that your pussy is given you by birth as “the” only correct way. Maybe alter your masturbation-routine and involve your ass in any way. To get some kind of binding in your head between anal stimulation and orgasms. Just get your head used to be aroused by any kind of anal stimulation and then slowly reduce your clit-stimulation (or whatever you do 😉 ) or just end your clitoral stimulation right when the orgasm starts – so that your body links the feeling of your ass getting played with and orgasms. That might help – might. :-*
More opinions and questions are welcome.
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