Message: Anal Only April
Vince: So I’m trying to abstain from all types of masturbation until April and then starting April 1st I’m going to try and go all month anal only. So far since my last post I haven’t given in to the urge to touch my penis. Is it normal for it to get extremely hard to resist the urge to touch and then it starts to tapper off cuz it was easy for awhile and lately it’s been really hard to resist even tho I’m having anal orgasms. So wish me luck on no touching and making it thru April
Sounds like a good plan!
It can increase and decrease in difficulty depending on a lot of different factors, and just personal variation. Stick with it and you’ll get through the difficulty, and give yourself lots of anal orgasms to make up for it and remind yourself why they’re better.
If it really gets hard to resist, you can try using a chastity device during periods of extreme temptation.
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