Message: It’s Worth The Wait To Find A Compatible Partner
I don’t know why I’m so into anal. Thought I had a problem and was always embarrassed about my obsession. 10 years ago I married a woman who had never tried it before at the age of 40. I’m extremely lucky because she doesn’t just like it, but LOVES it. She’s probably in that 1 in 1000 or more group of woman that can actually have an orgasm during anal sex. I’m extremely lucky but also it’s nice to know there’s other woman out there that have the same desires. Nice forum. I guess the point I was trying to make is to find a woman that makes you happy even if it takes a while. Its definitely worth it in the long run. And, don’t be embarrassed about your anal desires. Nothing worse than having to beg for anal sex and being rejected all the time. There’s a tremendous difference in having anal sex with a woman who really enjoys it then one that does not. Huge difference.
Totally agree. There is more to a relationship than sexual compatibility, but it is a big part of it for many people, and you shouldn’t sell your own sexual needs short. If anal or the anal only lifestyle is something that you yourself need to be sexually satisfied, it’s only fair to yourself and your partner to seek someone out who shares that same interest (or who is open to it).
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