Message: Anal Only Dating

Jim: Can you give an article on dating and how to approach those who you don’t know if they would be receptive to anal only or not?

Ah, the eternal question: how do I meet someone who shares the same sexual desires as me without scaring off people who might be into it but aren’t comfortable enough with me yet to say so?

This is actually the topic of a chapter in our Guide to Anal Sex and the Anal Only Lifestyle, entitled Dating & Finding New Partners in the Anal Only Lifestyle.

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2 responses to “Message: Anal Only Dating”

  1. Stephen says:

    Is there a way to buy the book without Kindle?

    • analonlylifestyle says:

      It’s only available for Kindle at present. You can install a Kindle app on any computer or mobile device and don’t need a Kindle device to use it.

      I hope to have a print version for sale in the future.

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