Message: Luring a BDSM Newbie Into AO, Part 2
Anonymous: Thanks for the answer! Just to make it clear I didn’t mean “lure” as in “trick”, it was more like “convincing in a challenging an exciting way” and making her feel “part of something” (she already know about my other subs and is okay with that, it’s a whole new world for her and she’s the one who came to me proposing to give anything a try). My fault for not having English as a mother tongue!
Fair enough. So long as she’s consenting and open to and eager about the process and everything involved, then that’s great.
I think focusing primarily on anal is a great idea, and only doing vaginal on rare occasions if she is particularly desperate for it, and reducing the frequency of vaginal over time. Ultimately it all comes down to how she does with just anal and whether she really needs vaginal or does just fine with clit stimulation + anal, etc. If she doesn’t actually need vaginal penetration and enjoys frequent anal, there may not be much reason to continue with vaginal at all.
Everyone is different, so there isn’t any universal answer that works best for everyone. Find something that works for the two of you and work from there.
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