Discussion: Anal Semen Therapy
A HipForum member asks:
I’ve read several studies on the health benefits of semen. Long story short it has anti-inflammatory effects on arthritis, mood enhancing, and more. The studies show vaginal and oral use if semen. But as oral destroys much of it in stomach and vaginal drips out so easily my husband and I are using anal as an alternative. It can be retained in the rectum for hours and absorbs very well. (Think rectal suppositorries). Has anyone else tried this? How is it working for you?
Katravenclaw, HipForums
She follows up some time later with her own experiences:
If anyone is interested… We’ve been doing this for almost 6 months now. No matter what we do my husband always finshes in my ass. He does so as deep as he can get so I can retain it for as long as possible to get the most benefits (in addition to the fun of anal sex obviously ). If we have anal sex at night I can almost always keep it in until morning sometimes later in the day. If we do it in the morning I can keep it in comfortably most of the morning sometimes into the early afternoon.
Katravenclaw, HipForums
I’ve noticed an uplift in general mood, an estimated 15 maybe 20% reduction in arthritis pain and swelling, and a huge up curve in my immune system. Barely a sniffle this year.
We are going to keep this up. I know the health benefits are one thing but we both feel so much closer and more intimate when he orgasms in my ass. It’s probably the most intensely intimate thing we have ever shared. I LOVE it. Don’t think I could have a sex life without it ever again.
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