Message: First Anal Orgasm
Anna: So I just wanted to share I had my first anal orgasm and it was so so intense I just twitch and spasmed on my dildo my whole body was shaking and convulsing it was one of the most amazing feelings ever now I just have to keep up not touching my clit I wanna break this bad habit of touching my clit especially after having my first anal orgasm I never wanna go back to vaginal/clit sex hopefully my urge to want to touch my clit will fade away the longer I don’t touch it
Congratulations! The first of many, no doubt. Now that you know it’s possible, I’m sure it will help motivate you to keep having more and avoid using your clit going forward. The more anal orgasms you have, the easier it will get not only to have them, but to stop using your clit, since your ass will be the only orgasm outlet you need at that point.
Remember, though, that with any habit you’re trying to break, it’s to be expected that at some point you might revert to old habits, and it can be easy to feel bad about doing so. That’s a normal part of the process, though, and it’s best to use those bad feelings to reinforce and strengthen breaking the bad habit rather than giving up your goal. If you do end up giving in to clit stimulation down the road, compare how bad you feel after to how good you feel after an anal only orgasm, and dive right back in to clit denial even more than before and work to beat your previous record.
Good luck! Be sure to keep us updated on how it goes for you!
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