2018 Anal Only Lifestyle Roundup
Read our previous roundup for 2017 here.
2018 was a big year for the Anal Only Lifestyle community, with some major changes—some positive, some negative, but all helping it evolve and move further into the future.
Our Tumblr blogs nearly reached 150,000 followers for the most active blog, and collectively had well over 200,000 followers. The number of other anal only blogs continued to grow this year as well, and discussion of and interest in anal only remained quite active.
However, just this past month Tumblr announced it was banning all adult content as of December 17, 2018, and that was the end of that. A platform perfectly suited to growing interest in the anal only lifestyle was suddenly gone. Fortunately, our community was designed from the start with the possibility of this happening, and we were already spread across multiple platforms with our Forum and Discord server, as well as this blog being set up on its own domain despite still pointing to Tumblr. We quickly archived all our blog content and set out to migrate this blog off Tumblr, manually moving over 1,800 posts from this and its counterpart blogs into a new self-hosted format that gives us far more control and independence from future platform censorship.
Our forum had slow growth and little activity for much of the year, suffering from changes to Google ranking that kept it largely hidden from relevant search queries. Tumblr’s changes last year to the public visibility and search engine indexing of adult oriented blogs made quite an impact as well, causing many of the internet’s links to the forum to disappear from Google’s view. Now, at the end of the year, however, it appears this is finally changing thanks to the new blog and its wealth of high quality links to the forum reappearing to search engines. Both the blog and forum now appear on the front page of many queries, and visitation and membership have grown significantly.
Also helping membership on the forum and Discord server is the Tumblr shutdown, which has sent readership to countless blogs scattering across multiple platforms, and it’s no different for us. After posting about the imminent demise of Tumblr, the forum grew by over 800 members and passed 2,000 members last week, while the Discord server has nearly 2,000 new members.
In other news, we had two successful anal only challenge months this year, debuting Anal Only April for the first time—which was quite the success!—and celebrating the sixth annual No Pussy November. You can read about both in our archive (another new addition!) and perhaps get inspired to participate yourself this next year if you didn’t previously.
We just launched a new section of this blog, the Anal Sex Advice & Guide to the Anal Only Lifestyle page, which strives to answer many of the common questions people have about anal sex and going anal only. The process of migrating posts from the old blog to this one made it obvious just how many times some of the same questions were asked and answered over the years, and consolidating that information into a single resource that can be edited, updated, and expanded over time for all to see and benefit from seemed like an obvious step forward. Feel free to suggest any topics you’d like to see added, and keep checking back for updates to this section.
Some will no doubt be wondering what’s next for the companion porn blogs that accompanied this blog on Tumblr. At this time, there are no particular plans as there simply aren’t any suitable platforms to move forward with in the same way as on Tumblr, but we’re watching the various options out there and experimenting with them as they become available and continue to improve. When and if a decision is made to resume posting in that format, an announcement will be made on this blog, and you can also check in on our Anal Only Porn Blogs page where the various popular Tumblr blogs are tracked to see where they migrate to.
Now, it’s your turn. How was your year, both in a general sense, and as it relates to the anal only lifestyle? What’s next for you, and what do you hope to achieve? And, what would you like to see next with the Anal Only Lifestyle blog and greater community? Share all your ideas and suggestions, and we’ll work towards achieving them.
Stay anal only, and stay tuned. We’ve got a lot of exciting new things planned for 2019.
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