Is it normal to prefer anal sex over vaginal sex?
We’ve seen this before. In fact, it’s one of the most frequent questions posed by both men and women.
Here, it is a woman called Kate who has this on her mind. Thankfully another woman has put her at ease, and assured her this is completely normal.
This is one of the primary reasons people are unable to allow themselves to enjoy anal sex as it should be. Such is the social pressure to conform many people worry about how they will be perceived by their partner, or even to have feelings of guilt or self-doubt.
It needs repeating that a desire or preference for anal sex is normal, natural and healthy. It is the denial of this that is harmful.
The anus and rectum are superbly adapted for providing sexual pleasure for both men and women. On top of this the emotional connection, trust and intimacy are unmatched. Most rational people will conclude that it is normal to prefer this over what is, after all, merely a means of reproduction.
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