Encouraging anal sex

For those of you who want to introduce your wife or girlfriend to the pleasure of anal sex, but need to advice on how to proceed, read this article. It is particularly aimed at those with partners resistant to trying this new experience, whether it be due to irrational fear or ignorance about the subject.

Here’s an extract:

The first goal is to help her overcome any social conditioning and/or general disgust that she feels towards her arsehole currently, and to do this you’re going to try to introduce her to the pleasure that can be enjoyed by her arse, but without pushing her boundaries too far. This is of course a balancing act, and you would be well advised to err on the side of caution. In addition, it’s worth bearing in mind that this is certainly not going to be a quick process. This could easily take a few months. The longer you’re willing to invest, the greater your chances of success…

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