Discussion: Can Men Get Addicted to Anal Sex?
A user on Quora asks this question, which prompts the following response:
No. Sex addiction does not exist, period. If you don’t like that, don’t argue with me, argue with the DSM-V and the American Medical Association, they’re the ones who made the decision. Frankly, I trust them over the religious nuts and con artists who came up with the concept of sex addiction, but I suppose you’re free to make that call for yourself.
Sex addiction of any kind does not exist. This includes anal sex.
Vivian Mackenzie Mandelbrot, Quora
While this is the correct response in the true technical sense of addiction, what the original user may have been asking was more along the lines of the common usage of the term.
It’s not going to cause an unhealthy addiction to anal sex, but the frequent practice of anal sex and the subsequent realization of how much better it is than vaginal is going to cause most men to definitely prefer and prioritize anal sex, and in many cases to want to have anal sex exclusively and stop all comparatively unnecessary vaginal activities.
This is normal and expected. If you prefer anal and don’t want to do vaginal anymore, don’t do it.
It’s orgasmically unreal
Overwhelming a wonderful change from
The same thing.
Once he starts having anal sex every man is going to want more. Vaginal sex is inevitably going to disappoint. That’s normal and healthy and not an addiction.