Message: Feel Like A Bad Girl After I Touch My Clit

mcshishiI can come from anal only when my husband fucks me but not during masturbation and it’s so frustrating. I always end up touching my clit and I always feel like a bad girl afterwards

If using your clit makes you feel like a bad girl and you want to focus on strictly anal only, especially since you know that you can orgasm from it in the right circumstances, I would suggest that you change your perspective on masturbating and stop thinking of it as a quick path to orgasm and self-satisfaction, and more of another opportunity to play with your ass, whether it leads to orgasm or not. Take your clit out of the picture and just enjoy rubbing, fingering, and dildoing your ass. If something in particular feels good, do more of it. If it feels like it could make you cum, focus on that, but don’t make an orgasm your primary goal.

It might be a challenge at first, and it might take multiple rounds of trying it for a while, being unable to resist your clit and going back to old habits, then starting again, but so long as you try to maintain a trend over time of going longer and longer without your clit and only masturbating anally, you’ll eventually be able to get entirely clit-free, and the longer you go without it, the more you’ll find sex and your orgasms with your husband to be even better, and most likely will start to be able to orgasm from anal masturbation as well.

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